
3 Ideas for Making Use of Twitter Lists

Twitter lists are really useful, particularly for businesses. They are a great tool to use for enhancing the Twitter experience, both for you and your audience. There are many ways you can make use of lists as well, and here are three of them:


List the members of your team

This list is pretty straightforward: find employees who have Twitter accounts then add them into a list.


You might be thinking, what can you do with such a list? For one, your employees can be good sources of content. Twitter has a retweet button which you can use to share posts from employees that help your brand.


Here’s an example of how it’s put into use: The Atlantic has a list for its writers and editors. They post several updates throughout the day which are essentially articles written by their staff. Occasionally, you’ll see retweets on The Atlantic‘s timeline that is from their writers or editors highlighting the piece they wrote or mentioning a work done by their colleagues. Doing something similar for your brand serves as an acknowledgment of the great work your staff has done for you.


Since Twitter has been generous as to the number of lists you can make, why not make use of it as well? For instance, if you have quite the number of employees but they can be grouped according to department, why not do so right? For example, you can have a list of employees in the marketing department and have another for those working in finance.


List your sister companies or other channels

If you have more than one branch for your business and they all have Twitter accounts, why not add them to a list so you can share their content as well? They might create a special that residents of your town – and anyone following you for that matter – might find interesting. All this can lead to sales and sales is good, right?


Your business might also have different channels to handle various aspects of the business. For instance, you might create a separate Twitter account for your customer service department. Doing this helps you focus on promotions and other kinds of content on your main account while customer concerns can be handled by the customer service account.


Creating lists for these scenarios doesn’t just help you out. It can be really helpful for your audience as well. Rather than have them follow multiple accounts, they can all subscribe to your lists. Mashable is one example of those that created a Twitter list for their many channels: Science, Lifestyle, News, Travel and so much more.


List accounts that would be helpful for your audience

Penguin Random House is a book publisher and they post book-related updates on their Twitter feed. But taking a closer look, you’ll also find they post updates from others in their industry. True enough, they have a list called Book Publishers which they describe as “Our friends in the book industry.” While sharing what others in your industry have posted is possible from viewing your timeline, creating a list makes it easier to find noteworthy updates. Doing this gives your audience the resources they need to find information and stay up to date with the industry.


Twitter lists are helpful tools, not just for you but for your audience as well. So get started on making those lists and you’ll see that keeping up with it will reap rewards for your brand.



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