
4 Benefits of Podcasting SMEs Should Not Ignore

In this digital age, no matter what business structure you have and the industry your business belongs to, online presence plays an important part. With the myriad of tools you can use online such as the social media, blogging and podcasting, reaching your target market on a larger scale is easier.


However, some SME owners only focus on creating websites, thinking they are enough to build web presence. That said, they overlook the need for social media management in interacting with their audience and rely on basic digital marketing. If you think you have enough online presence but up to now has not been podcasting, think again.


Here, we will discuss how podcasting can be beneficial to SMEs:

It is an effective communication tool to reach a wider audience.

Podcasting is an online digital media tool that allows a business to build its personal brand and deliver targeted content to its audience worldwide. What makes it effective is that listeners can download audio archives and listen to a topic of their choice at the time that is convenient for them. Moreover, unlike videos that require the audience to focus and spend time just to watch was is being shown, podcasts allow listeners to multitask which makes it more convenient. For business owners, they can get their messages across to consumers even in gyms, cars and virtually anywhere.

It is easy and inexpensive to produce.

Starting a business podcast is easy even for someone who is not technologically savvy. By hiring a social media marketing team in Chester, you can have a team of professionals create and record your intro for you. Also, compared to creating videos, you do not have to invest in cameras, lighting and talents to create a podcast, making it cost-effective.

It is more personal and taps different aspects of marketing.

Podcasting works like radio programming in the sense that you can add some personal touch to it and connect with your audience. What makes it better is the fact that you can talk about your products and services without sounding that you are selling to them. Instead, you are there as a friend and that you can provide what they need. It also allows you to ask questions and start discussions with your listeners. Podcasts can be used for public relations, branding, image building, lead generation and customer relations.

It is great for web traffic.

Businesses with high-quality podcast content can captivate more listeners and allow for a deeper connection with the targeted audience. If listeners are happy with what they hear, they will be interested to learn more by visiting websites. If you are into podcasting, you can use it to invite your audience to check out your website. Additionally, you can encourage them to sign up for your newsletter and let them know what to expect from your business.


Podcasting is starting to become an integral part of marketing which SME business owners should include in their game plans and take advantage of. Targeted podcasting, complemented with great marketing with the help of a London marketing agency in Cheshire can definitely give any SME leverage over its competitors.



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