
4 Effective Hacks to Boost Social Media Engagement

Social media engagement is just one important factor of any social media campaign but to many small business owners, it’s the only thing they care about. Effective social media engagement is very important to the long term sustainability of any business and if you do it right, you will see the fruits of your social media labour much sooner.


If you are looking to boost engagement with your social media followers this summer, there are some simple, tried and true methods that will world for you no matter what market niche you are in or what part of the world you live. Now, before you get too worried, these are some very easy methods that anyone can use to boost their social media engagement in less time than you could imagine.


Give them a try and keep track of your efforts. That way, you will know what works and when and what took a little longer to take effect and get you the results you wanted.


Try these hacks for some truly amazing results!

Hack #1 – Incorporate more visuals into your posts. By incorporating visuals into your posts, you are giving the reader something to look at. This can be an image, GIF or infographic.


Hack #2 – Share more earned media coverage. If you do anything that is covered by the local or online media, share it with your followers. They will see your business in a new light and might be more prone to sharing your content more often.


Hack #3 – Focus more on your audience, less on your company. This is something that a lot more businesses need to scribble down and paste to their office walls. Consumers don’t always want to hear about you; they want to know what you are doing for them. How are you going to better your business to meet their needs?


Hack #4 – Make more of your posts interactive. This can be as simple as adding a questionnaire or inviting users to leave a comment. Interactive posts engage your audience and create a positive action that they would otherwise not take.


Contact the team of social media experts at Social Buzzing today to find out what a well-managed social media campaign can do for your business.



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