
5 Steps to More Likes on Your Facebook Business Page

So you’ve successfully opened your first business and have even created a social media account on Facebook for it; now what? With millions of Facebook users all over the world and in your own neighborhood, you want to reach as many of them as possible. You start by creating an effective social media campaign and get the word out that your business is here to serve your customers’ needs and offer them something your competition doesn’t. You’re doing well so far, but you need to increase the “Likes” that your followers give your Facebook business page. How do you do that and why would you want to? If users click the “Like” button on your business page, your page updates will appear on their news feeds on the very first page they see when they log in. This gets them to read and click the posted updates which lead them to your page. Getting people to “Like” your page is accomplished by providing interesting and relevant content and by frequently updating your page How do you do this? By following Social Buzzing’s 5 easy steps, of course!


Step 1

Update your Facebook business page frequently. Doing so will ensure your customers watch for updates and share the fact that you post often. If people visit your page but do not find updated or interesting information they will probably not return.


Step 2

Add the tag line “Like us on Facebook” to all of your advertisements. Put this tag line on your print, radio and television ads and direct mailing campaigns. Add it to your business cards, brochures and any other printed materials.


Step 3

Offer incentives for people to “like” your business page including contests, discounts and coupons. This will entice individuals who might not normally visit your page to like it.


Step 4

Advertise on Facebook. You can have your ads appear on the pages of Facebook users, even user profile pages. When a user’s friend likes a page, a notation of this appears on the user’s pages.


Step 5

Share your business page with your friends by clicking the “Suggest to Friends” button. This message drives individuals to view your page. Facebook even provides a useful “Find us on Facebook” badge that you can download and embed onto your website.


As you can see, it doesn’t take a lot of time or effort to build Likes on your Facebook business page, just a little strategy and a couple of minutes out of your day. You could even do this while you are taking a break for tea!



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