
Another One of Social Buzzing’s Clients in The Press! And People Still Think Social Media Doesn’t Generate Results…

Good news to all of our patrons, staff members and supporters! Our Client Mangio was recently featured in Stylist magazine and even better, gave them some fantastic rave reviews! Stylist went on to mention their world famous (okay, locally famous) mushroom and thyme cappellacci with parmesan fondue sauce and the fact that Mangio’s fresh pasta shop had some other incredible mouth-watering options.


Mangio’s regulars already knew that, but what about those hungry diners out there looking for a hand-made lunch that is cooked to order by our talented chefs? We can’t say enough how pleased we are about the review our client received and how much that is going to help us introduce their culinary delights to people all over London.


For any restaurant, especially a unique niche restaurant like Mangio, a feature in a magazine is incredibly helpful and can be seen as a pat on the back for a job well and done. Our clients staff works hard to ensure every guest is satisfied with their meal and their service and this feature lets them know that all of their hard work does not go unnoticed.


Now, many might think that all of this fame and publicity will go to our heads but it’s just the opposite. An important feature like this means that we have to work that much harder to keep our high standards intact.


The next time you stop into Mangio, you will see the same tables, smell the same food and be greeted by the same warm, friendly smiles as always. They may just be a little busier, but at Mangio, there is always room for more!

To all of Mangio’s patrons, both current and future, we would like to offer a warm, heartfelt thank you for stopping in and dining with us; it truly means a lot to every one member of our staff.


Social Media certainly pays off and Mangio as a result is now is featuring in one of the UK’s leading publications. Do you need assistance with your online brand and Social Media? Contact the Social Buzzing team today. Like Mangio, we can help you too.



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