
Building Your Social Media Audience

A lot of people in today’ business world don’t like to talk about their social media audience and how they have built it. Some keep their techniques a secret, while others might be ashamed of their lesser methods to gain a sizeable audience. However you look at it, a good social media audience is crucial if your business is to survive and thrive in a competitive market niche.


Remember that, first, you have to have good content. Without it, the number of fans you have won’t matter as they won’t stick around very long. You have to balance strong content with attracting an engaged audience to make social media really work for you.


Building a solid audience won’t happen overnight and you really don’t want it to anyway. If you are a small business, you can expect a good following, but to really grow that into a broad customer base, you are going to need some help. Social Buzzing has listing some simple steps that you can take to give you a jump start on your competition and begin growing your social media audience just like the pros.


Import Your Contacts

You have friends and they have friends, right? Import your current contacts from you social media, business and email accounts and you will be amazed at how many you actually have and how much that will grow your audience.


Facebook, Twitter, even LinkedIn has special features that enable users to easily import their contacts and build their fan base. Just look around in your settings and you will find these features readily available.


Integrate Your Social Media

If you are already running and advertising campaign, (you are aren’t you?) then you already have a platform with which you can extend your social media reach. Add your social media information to your advertising material and watch your audience grow in a very short time. With print advertising, it is very easy to add your social media links and you can do the same with video marketing also. Sometimes just the appearance of the social media logos can be enough to make a potential customer search you out the next time they are on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media platform.


Don’t Forget About Your Offline Contacts

Do you have a business that has a physical location such as a retail shop or restaurant? If so, you can place Social Media Cards on your counter for your customers to take. They are essentially a business card, but with your social media information listed on the front. These are especially handy when you are out of town on business, at a speaking engagement or trade show, or just out and about in your community.


The places in your business that you could post your social media links is limitless. Pizza restaurants put links on their boxes, stores include the links on receipts, and some even post them on the door to the establishment. Do you see how easy it is to get the message across to your customer base?


Whichever method you choose to build your social media audience, experiment with it and see what effect minor changes can have. You will be left with some knowledge about your customers and a much larger social media audience which can translate to more sales for you.



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