
Cool (and Useful) Facebook Tips and Tricks

We all use Facebook; many of us for business, and all of us for personal socializing with family and friends from all over the world. Do any of us really use Facebook to its full potential? The answer to that question is usually no. Many of us think we do and we often think that we know something no one else does, but one of our friends will end up using it before we get a chance to show off our social media prowess.


The best way to avoid that is to read this post and try out the following Facebook tips and tricks before anyone you know gets a chance to. We have listed many of the most requested tips and tricks of 2014 and these will give you a jumpstart on the New Year.


Appear Online Only to Selected Friends:

Facebook chat is a very useful, and sometimes annoying, feature that millions of people use every day. One of the main drawbacks of this feature is that when you are on the chat page, every one of your friends can see you and they might all want to chat at the same time. This could take up your entire day trying to be polite and chat with everyone when you really just wanted to talk to one or two people. To appear only to those people you want to chat with, go to “Chat” found at the lower right side of the page and click on the gear icon for settings and then click on advanced settings. A window would pop-up, now in the field which says “Turn on chat for all friends, except…” Now you can start adding your friends’ names, for whom you don’t want to appear online. You now appear completely invisible to them and you can chat with only the ones you want to without seeming rude to those that you don’t.


Magic Circles on Facebook:

This is a really simple trick that a lot of people have a hard time performing. You can make magic circles appear on your page with this one and it only takes a few easy steps. Here’s how: Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter key then press up & down. In case it doesn’t work the first time you try it, reload the page again by pressing F5 and repeat the process.


Use Facebook search like a pro:

Forget the struggles of searching endlessly on Facebook for your current friends; if you have thousands, it could take all day. Facebook has a very little used Search Box that is a powerful tool to help you find your old friends, celebrities, organizations or your favorite band quickly and easily no difficulty.


Facebook flip status updates:

For some added fun, try flipping your FB status upside down. Your friends and family will be tilting their heads trying to read your message and asking you how you did it. To do it, just go to the website In the upper field, type the status that you want to update and then click on Flip Text button. Now in the lower field you will see the flipped text of your status and you can now just copy and paste it into your Facebook status.


Changing fonts on Facebook status:

By default your status update have only one font, but you can always use 3rd party service to change the font of your status update. Look for third party websites that will enable you to change the font for all of your Facebook status updates.



  • philips

    This is an excellent article written on the very subject as how to use facebook. I also get very useful tips and now are using on Facebook. I learnt a lot how to manage our page and update our status while working on facebook and find it very useful.

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