
Facebook’s News Feed Change for 2018

Facebook recently announced that it is changing the way News Feed delivers information to its users. Now, it prioritizes relevant posts from friends and groups, over messages from publishers, businesses and marketers. Although this encourages meaningful conversations with friends; business-related posts and media news will soon get less exposure. Zuckerberg said that the change was based on research, which confirms that the well-being of users will be better served if they continue connecting with family and friends, instead of watching videos and articles from marketers and businesses. He promises that users will see less content from businesses, media and marketers.

This will affect businesses and marketers who rely on social media, especially Facebook, to deliver their messages, but fortunately, it doesn’t mean that content from businesses will disappear completely. Marketers will need to work harder to create content that initiates natural interaction and conversation. If they do this, there’s bigger odds that their content will appear in News Feed.

Establishing Quality Connections

For average users, it is a good thing that Facebook is focusing more on establishing quality connections. Fake news, scams and unwanted ads will not affect them as much. People will no longer waste time on Facebook and each of their posts will likely spark a conversation. On Facebook, News Feed is the centerpiece of social interaction and from that, people get the latest information relating to their friends, family and interests. Previous crackdowns on clickbait has already affected engagement with genuine marketers, so the News Feed change will be another blow to them.

Facebook has modified its algorithm to penalize publishers who withhold information and mislead the audience. Headlines should immediately allow people to understand the content of the article. Overall, honest news publishers will establish good reputations and people will come back for more. When people feel the value of the content, they will seek more. It will be challenging for new publishers to inform people about short-term deals, but the change necessitates them to build a strong reputation first.

Facebook Stock Drop


Facebook has been affected by this decision and Zuckerberg lost billions of dollars after the change was implemented, due to drops in the company’s stock price. However, users will get what they want. Things will be challenging for marketers in 2018 and beyond, as there could be future user-oriented changes. It will take some hard work and a huge dose of honesty for marketers to prevail in Facebook and other social media platforms.

If you want to grow your business and succeed using Facebook News Feed for your small business’ ad campaign, contact Social Buzzing, the digital marketing agency Chester trusts, and let one of our social media marketing professionals assist you today!

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