
Famous Seamus-Making Publishing Accessible for All Authors

It seems that many of today’s authors don’t often get the break they deserve. Between trying to self-publish their works, to marketing them, building a brand and trying to understand contracts that don’t make much sense, they have little time to do what they do best, write. Famous Seamus doesn’t think that’s fair and they have made it their mission to do something about it.

Famous Seamus is a leading UK publisher working laterally with authors of all disciplines including new authors. Accepting a wide range of works including novels, novellas, short stories, poetry and more, Famous Seamus is the aspiring author’s best publishing resource the industry has to offer.

Grow Your Writing Career

The team of publishers at Famous Seamus don’t just look publish your book, slap a price tag on it and never see you again. They work closely with talented writers to nurture their artistic creativity and help them build their writing career. Not many publishers can say that, let alone a small independent publishing house. Famous Seamus does this because they understand the needs of today’s writers and know that for them to produce top quality material, they need to be able to focus on their craft.

Controversial is Our Business

Famous Seamus is not afraid of controversy. They often accept writing that is considered by many to be too esoteric or obscure in nature. Famous Seamus also offers the best publishing deal in the U.K. with regards to royalties ensuring that authors are paid what they are worth. They are even known to give back to help those less fortunate by raising money for charity either through book sales or at the launch events.

From the subversive to the occult, the fetishistic to the downright strange, Famous Seamus has published it all and will continue to showcase aspiring talent to bibliophiles around the world.

Get Social with Famous Seamus

Follow them on Facebook or visit their website for more information about Famous Seamus and how they want to help you express your writing creativity.

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