
How Can You Revamp Your Social Media Strategy in 2016?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.”


You’ve probably heard this phrase hundreds of times, but did you know that you can also apply it to your social media strategy? No one’s saying that you’re insane, but you have to admit that the quote does have some logic to it. After all, if you know that your social networking techniques aren’t working, why are you sticking to them?


Fortunately, there’s no need to fret since you can start all over again in 2016. The New Year gives you the chance to revamp your social media tactics and come up with fresh and innovative methods. Don’t know where to begin? Here’s a list to help you get started:


1. Improve the quality of your video content

You’re probably already sick of hearing this, but you can’t deny that creating high-quality video content is one of the best ways to stand out from the crowd. With meaningful and engaging videos, you can grab the attention of your target audience, who’ll feel compelled to share your content with their friends.


You can always hire a professional video creation company but, if you have a limited budget, don’t worry since there are a lot of cost-effective tools you can use. Magisto, for instance, allows you to add music and special effects to your videos, while Adobe Voice has animation and voice recording features that spice up your content.


2. Use broadcasting sites and features

Another way to come up with creative and engaging videos is to use live streaming or broadcasting applications. One example is Periscope, which has been acquired by Twitter and now has 10 million accounts and 40 million years’ worth of video viewing time every day. Another is Meerkat, which seems to be the favorite of celebrities and social media influencers.


If you don’t feel ready to explore new platforms, don’t worry since you can give live broadcasting a try with Facebook Live. You can have access to it as long as you have a verified Facebook page, and you can use it to have real-time conversations with your target audience or give them behind-the-scenes peeks into your office or factory.


3. Be ready to invest in social media management ads

Many marketing experts predict that 2016 will be the year when businesses have to pay more to maintain their visibility on social media. Orbit Media co-founder Andy Crestodina, for example, points out that Twitter might give more priority to paid ads, forcing entrepreneurs to pay to ensure their tweets will appear in their target audience’s feeds. KISSmetrics co-founder Neil Patel, meanwhile, observes that it has already happened with Facebook, which has offered Boosted Posts and Promoted Posts (both of which require payments) to ensure that your post will reach many people.


This trend isn’t likely to stop in 2016 so, as early as possible you have to set aside a budget for paid social media ads. Of course, it will also be practical if you get the services of a London marketing agency. It’s definitely an added expense, but it’s going to be worth it since you know that your marketing message will be delivered to the right people.


These are just some of the things you can do this 2016. Take these steps now and have a stronger and more effective social media strategy!


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