
Important Social Media Words You Should Know

I am sure by now that you all know what keywords are and have a reasonable grasp on how to use them. But did you know that there are some other words you need to be concerned about? These are words that you will use that can greatly affect the number of people who will view, comment on and share your blog posts, status updates and tweets. It makes sense that specific wording can get people to respond, but just exactly what that wording is has remained a mystery until just recently.


Whether you are trying to increase views of your content or get people to act on a post that you made be it sign up for an email list or order a product, it makes sense to use the most viewed, and most searched, words in social media and online. People, many of them potential customers, are searching for and reading information that includes these words. By adding them to the title or headline of your posts, blog articles and other online content, you can help them find your site easier. You should also be sure to include these relevant, popular words in your description and keywords along with the other important words you need to highlight.


The following is a list of the top 10 most viewed keywords that we have compiled for you. As you read along, see which ones you can use in your next post today.


Top 10 Most Viewed Words:

  • Insights
  • Analysis
  • Answers
  • Questions
  • Advice
  • Review
  • Why
  • Product
  • Top
  • Best


So a couple of them are no brainers; some of them you really don’t give a second thought to and that could be a mistake. Just by adding any number of these words in your blog post title or headline, you can effectively increase views and drive potential customers to your site with much less effort than before. Try it today and see if you notice a difference.



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