
Reasons You Should Be Using Instagram

Launched in 2010, Instagram became successful almost immediately with larger social media platforms taking notice. One such platform that took an immediate interest in Instagram was Facebook. Rather than share the social media world with a competitor, Facebook decided to buy Instagram and turn it into one of the world’s largest mobile photo-sharing platforms. With over 600 million users, and at least 400 million actively using the platform every day, your business could benefit from using the platform.

Interesting Instagram Stats

Social Buzzing is the UK’s leading digital marketing agency offering social media marketing and management services to some of the UK’s top companies. We have created a list of reasons that your brand should be on Instagram today:

  1. There are over 16 million Google searches for “Instagram” every month.
  2. Over 50% of Instagram users access the platform daily, and 35% say they look at the platform several times per day.
  3. Over 95 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram every day.
  4. More than 40 billion photos and videos have been shared on Instagram since its conception.
  5. There are more than 15 million registered businesses using Instagram business profiles.
  6. 60% of the world’s leading brands on Instagram use the same filter for every post.
  7. According to studies, in March 2017, over 120 million Instagrammers visited a website, got directions, called, emailed, or direct messaged to learn about a business based on an Instagram ad.
  8. 50% of Instagram users follow at least one business.
  9. 60% of users say that they have learned about a product or service on the platform.
  10. Instagram is used by a wide range of “Instagrammers” in age groups ranging from teens to seniors.

If you want to grow your business and succeed using effective social media channels, contact Social Buzzing, the digital marketing agency Chester trusts, and let one of our social media marketing professionals assist you today!

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