
Seven Ways to Improve User Experience on Social Media

Social media marketers are tasked with making sure that the audience has a good experience. It can be quite disheartening when people don’t get excited about the marketing messages or when the content gets ignored. Social media is a relatively new way to perform direct, personalized marketing and it has shown that speaking directly to people can encourage them to start buying products or using services. A better user experience on social media can lead to more positive reviews online as well since customers on social media are more likely to share their experiences with other users.


Here are things marketers should do to make sure that people have great experience in social media:


  1. Don’t let them scroll: It’s not a good sign if people need to scroll a lot when reading content on social media. Keep it short so people don’t need to consistently thumb their way down the social media feed.


  1. Be funny: Admittedly, not everyone can be genuinely funny, but if the social media content appears to be dry and uninteresting, the overall engagement will plummet.


  1. Inspire reactions: Marketers need to ensure that people will actually react and engage in a favourable way. Just hitting the “like” button can be good enough if thousands of people do it in a short period of time. Facebook is now offering five new ways for people to react to a post.


  1. Share compelling information: People love to read intriguing and accurate facts. If marketers provide interesting facts, people will be interested enough to click to the link to learn more.


  1. Unveil new products: Make people eager to know more about new products. Social media unveiling can trigger a lot of interest from customers and potential buyers. Marketers may tease customers with new details that promise significant enhancements compared to the current products.


  1. Give something away: Even people with big budget still love to get free things. Offer interesting freebies that people would love to have including discounts, coupons and other deals that can be distributed freely through social media.


  1. Stream live videos: Live videos can be very engaging, because this allows people to directly interact with your sales team. YouTube and Facebook allow live streaming sessions and you should make a regular schedule for live streaming. Allow people to respond through the live chat features and the salesperson can answer any questions they might have.


If your social media user experience could use some help, check the Social Buzzing positive reviews and decide if our team is right for your business, then call us today.


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