
Social Media Marketing Trends that You Should Use in Your Strategy

In the world of social media marketing, nothing remains static and with at least a third of the world’s population on social media today, businesses have to give their target market what they want and engage them better than their competition does. Since there are always your emerging trends in social media marketing, you don’t want to be the laggard in adopting them. Therefore, you need to keep adding them to your strategy and ensuring you keep upgrading your social media marketing strategy to keep up with the times and the trends. Here are some trends you should add to your strategy:

Custom Marketing Communication

Customizing communications personalizes the communication between your business and the target customer. It basically involves sending the right message to the right person at the right time. When this is done right, you can increase the social media marketing campaign and deliver on investment. Besides, it makes potential and return customers feel special. Indeed according to Harvard Business Review (HBR), personalization of marketing communication between the business and the customer delivers up to eight times the return on investment for the marketing budget.

Multi-Channel Marketing

If this year has delivered a lesson in social media marketing, it is not to stick to one channel for if things go awry with your strategy on that one particular social media channel, then the blow will be significant to your business. Multi-channel marketing allows you to use multiple mediums in communicating, engaging and connecting with customers to always have viable options to cushion you in case a big change on one platform results in limited reach. Today’s mediums in the usual Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Email, include messenger bots, Facebook groups, browser notifications, email lists, Facebook ads, and blog among others.


Remember the phrase “content is king?” Well, keep that in mind but also, know that there has been a new king in town as well: video. In Facebook, Instagram, and also Twitter, are embracing video faster than you can say why? Snapchat on the other hand, has always been a video-oriented platform. Hence if you want your social media strategy to work effectively, integrate video just as these social media platforms are integrating it.


Want to improve your customer service? Chatbots are the way to go. These are AI that will engage customers on social media rather than wait to connect via phone or wait for the response of a social media representative. Customers demand fast customer service and this emerging trend will engage them faster hence keep them pleased with the fast experience in solving problems immediately.

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