

Social Media Trends That Are Taking Over

Social media is always changing and business owners are always looking for new and innovative ways to keep up or get ahead. Using social media is the first step, but keeping up with the trends is more important than ever. Here are some social media trends that we are seeing growing in popularity and taking over the social media marketing world.


  1. Faster Real-Time Engagement


Social media thrives on real-time engagement, but each year the window for response becomes smaller and smaller. According to Search Engine Watch, 70% of Twitter users expect a response from brands they reach out to, and 53% want a response in less than an hour. That number jumps to 72% when they’re issuing a complaint.


One of the key strategies marketers need to implement in 2016 is faster response times. Social media is moving fast, and if your business has a presence on any of the platforms then you are expected to keep up.


  1. Live Streaming Video


Live streaming video is considered to be the next big thing in social media marketing thanks to apps like Periscope and Meerkat. Social media allows for communication between brands and customers, but live streaming video goes a step further, revealing a much more authentic side to your business.


  1. Social Commerce


The more engaged your customers are, the better your sales. Research has found that social media influences more shoppers’ buying decisions than retail websites. Compelling stats like the one above has led to the creation of more commerce-focused features for marketers and advertisers. For example, in 2015:

  • Facebook introduced 360 Ads for immersive experiences.
  • YouTube added 360 Ads for more impactful visuals.
  • Instagram rolled out its action-oriented ad format.
  • Pinterest announced the limited rollout of its Buyable Pins.
  • Twitter continued testing its Buy button.
  1. SEO


With more businesses building out their content strategies and the rising advertising costs, optimizing your organic content is at its highest demand. Although social media doesn’t directly influence your search ranking, greater social signals can help you rank higher. Your posts on Facebook and YouTube should also be optimized for search. Today 88% of consumers are influenced by reviews and online comments, and they’re turning to these platforms for just that.


  1. Mobile First


What was once considered a bonus is now a necessity. If you’re not thinking mobile first, then you’re already behind. Mobile devices have become the primary screen for most social media users. In 2015, mobile traffic finally overtook desktop traffic in 10 countries, including the US, UK and Japan.


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