
How Text Message Marketing Is Helping SME’s Reach More Customers During The Pandemic

Did you know that SMS is the most popular way for people all over the world to communicate, and that over 75% of today’s consumers want to receive texts with special offers from local businesses? When it comes to marketing strategies for today’s SME’s, optimum results are crucial. This is where text message marketing can make a difference. While ‘trial and error’ marketing techniques might pay off from time to time, they aren’t as reliable as SMS marketing and the results are typically a lot less consistent.


The Digital Marketing Experts


If you are a new business owner and you are struggling with your marketing strategies, contact the social media company London small business owners choose more than any other and speak with a digital marketing expert today.


Let’s take a look at some tips for SMS marketing success in the new year:


Send Engaging Messages- during the pandemic, many businesses used SMS to alert their customers to shortages, hours of operation changes, and other relevant news.


Send Exclusive Deals And Offers Via SMS – by sending your current customers exclusive deals and offers via SMS, you can easily gain new sales as they are already familiar with your company and your products. You can also send exclusive deals to new customers as a way to increase your customer base in 2021.


Gather Feedback And Data- you can gather relevant feedback and data that can be used to improve your marketing campaigns and take your marketing efforts to the next level.


Use SMS Keywords For Opt-Ins- keywords are an important element in every marketing strategy. And, whether you choose online marketing, social media marketing, or SMS marketing, it can greatly improve your results for opt-ins.


Run a Sweepstakes Contest- people love a chance to win stuff. In fact, if you run a sweepstakes campaign via SMS, you will be incredibly surprised at the results as potential customers respond favourably to your marketing efforts.


Send Reminders And Confirmations Via Text- you can send payment reminders, order confirmations, and more via SMS and you customers will see it as your company providing quality service.


Contact Social Buzzing


To learn more effective business marketing strategies for 2021, contact the only social media agency London business owners trust, Social Buzzing, today!


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