
Tips on Using YouTube for Marketing Your Business

When it comes to social media, being successful at marketing your brand means using more than just Facebook and Twitter. There is a very effective marketing tool available that many of us use every day but don’t think about using it for our businesses.

YouTube has grown to become the largest video sharing site in the industry and every day, millions of videos are watched by people all over the world. How is YouTube an effective marketing tool for business? With millions of users and content being uploaded daily, it makes sense that putting your business in front of potential customers wherever they are will generate more sales and build a larger customer base.

Social Buzzing, the leading social media marketing firm, has helped thousands of small to medium and enterprise level businesses build their brands on YouTube and we would like to share some of our favourite tips on how to use YouTube more effectively as a marketing platform.

Research your keywords

Researching keywords on YouTube is just as important as researching keywords for the Google search engine. When users search YouTube, they type in basic keywords and YouTube, the second largest search engine, finds them the videos matching their search. Choose your keywords carefully and you could be at the top of the search results.

Know your competition

Take a look at what your competitors are doing and see which of their videos are ranking well. What works for them and what doesn’t work for them will provide similar results for you.

Direct a business link

Direct viewers to your website from your video. This is important as adding a link will make it easier for them to reach your site with just one click while the video content is still fresh in their minds.

Focus on entertainment and not advertising

Yes, you should use YouTube to market your business, but it doesn’t always have to be a strict advertising platform. Entertain your viewers and make them forget that you are pushing a product or service. This will make them more comfortable and the video can focus on product features and usage tips.

Fill out the video details

We have seen many videos on YouTube that are well made and offer useful information about a product or service, but when we click on the video details, there is nothing offered. This is an important area where you can engage with your customer base and add some targeted keywords.

Create engaging video

Your video content should be high quality and it should offer something your customers want. It should engage them and hold their attention while you explain the benefits of your products.

Using YouTube to market your brand will provide you with another way to grow your company and increase your profits using social media as a marketing platform.

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