
Tradesman Insurance from Tradesman Saver

When you are working within the construction sector, either as a business owner, employee or a contractor one critical factor you must consider is insurance. Having inadequate insurance can lead to all manner of terrible consequences, from no pay coming in whilst you are ill or injured for a period of time to being sued for causing fatality, injury or property damage and not having the funds to cover it.


Whether you are a builder, a plumber, or any other kind of worker in this line of work, you need to be certain that the insurance company that you trust your business or your own protection with is going to do the job when you need them to. There are far too many insurance companies out there that simply don’t have a good enough understanding of the risks involved and policy cover required in this area.


There are hundreds of seemingly reputable insurers that you will find through comparison websites that claim to be able to provide everything that you need. However, if you want to be certain that your insurer knows what they are doing with building or plumbers insurance then you need to go to a specialist like Tradesman Saver.


Tradesman Saver is one of the most highly-rated specialists and they offer a wide range of comprehensive policies and the appropriate add-ons to ensure that you are fully protected, whichever trade you are in.


Their top-selling products include:


Builders Insurance – The builders insurance covers every eventuality that you may come across in the building industry. Tradesman Saver’s policies include Public Liability, Financial Loss, Products Liability and Legal Expenses as automatic cover. You never know when you might need to call on the cover if you are unfortunate enough to have an accident and as you know working in the trade, accidents can happen on a regular basis. The high risk nature of the kind of work you do as a builder means that you really do need an insurer that you can trust and Tradesman Saver not only gets you a great value deal but they also understand the industry inside-out.


Stay fully covered with optional additional cover such as employers liability to protect your workers, tools and equipment, business contents and professional indemnity. People only realise that Tradesman Saver is one of the best companies out there when it comes to making a claim – the ones who didn’t choose them regret their choice and those who did choose Tradesman Saver, they will feel grateful for making the right selection.


Contractors All Risks Insurance – If you are a contractor then you will know how important it is to have an insurer that truly understands your unique insurance requirements. Contractors insurance is not as straight-forward as some companies would have you believe when they offer a standard approach to your insurance. As a contractor working on construction sites you are affected by different kinds of risks and Tradesman Saver perfectly understands this. Don’t waste time trying to explain to non-specialist insurers the details of your work and the different environments, why you need hired property, your ways of working and tools and equipment you use.


At Tradesman Saver they make it their business to be the experts in knowing what a builder or any other tradesman will need cover for. Speaking to other insurers could leave you frustrated and take up far too much of your time, so save yourself the hassle and pick the experts.


Plumbers Insurance – As those in the plumbing trade are well aware of, the type of jobs that you get involved in throw in a whole new set of risks to other trades. One small accident can result in a catastrophe – flooded homes, water damage, cracked bathtubs or sinks. Even the most diligent and highly skilled workers can have a mishap once in a while and without the right cover this could mean huge costs to you and your business. For protection, you need an insurance cover.

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