
Upping Your Game with YouTube

What if we told you that you could increase your website traffic by double, keep customers on your site longer and increase your Google ranking quickly and effectively using just one tool? Would you think it was real? Well, it is real and we are here to tell you about it.

That one special tool is YouTube. That’s right, that time waster of a site that has eaten up many hours of your day as you watch videos of epic fails, cute animals and music videos from your favorite artists. YouTube has proven itself effective time and time again for many of today’s most successful corporations. Why aren’t more people using it then? Many small business owners don’t fully understand how to use YouTube and still others think it is too complicated to even attempt.

If you can get over seeing or hearing yourself on video in front of thousands, maybe even millions, of people, you too can be big on YouTube! You are the face of your brand and that means you have to be on camera if you are going to build customer loyalty and trust. Let your personality shine and show your customers who they are dealing with when they purchase your goods or services.

Once you get over the fear of being an online celebrity, you will need to figure out how to make the video. You don’t need any expensive equipment or well versed script to get started. Be yourself and use the equipment you have to make a basic, inexpensive video. It’s not about the bells and whistles, the determining factor in how well your video will work for your business is how adept you are at grabbing your audience’s attention with content that interests them and how you position yourself to meet their needs.

The numbers don’t lie, YouTube is effective for businesses of all sizes and market niches. A typical YouTube video has a 50 times better chance of ranking within the first page of Google for your respective keywords. If Search Engine Optimization is even just a small part of your marketing strategy, you need to be embracing YouTube NOW.

There are many online resources where you can learn what it takes to make a dynamic YouTube video for your company or you could hire a company to do it for you. Whichever you choose, make a video and get your company on YouTube today!



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