
Is Your Video Marketing Strategy Effective?

With video marketing being an important part of any business, creating a successful strategy is more important than ever. There are many things you can do to make your video marketing more effective for your business and many of them don’t take much time or effort, just some additional thought and planning.


Publishing videos on a regular basis is a good way to hold the interest of your users. If your customers take interest in you, but you don’t show them anything new, they will get bored quickly. This doesn’t mean that you should overdo it, just post more videos on a regular basis and keep your customers’ interest.


Ditch the Pitch!

Marketing videos should be honest. Don’t throw a sales pitch at your customers every time you publish a video; keep them spaced out. You and I know that you are I business to make money, your customers know that as well; ditch the hard sell and speak to them on a social level. Make sure your customers know that they come first. In the video above, you can see the simplicity of the message; it is clear, honest and doesn’t force anything on the viewer, yet it still makes them curious about the services offered and what they can mean to their business.


Keep your content interesting and appealing to your target audience. You can lose customers very quickly by posting video content that is irrelevant or doesn’t coincide with the rest of your content. Your customers don’t want to watch a boring commercial. Take the video above for example. That short clip was powerful and dynamic, it made you want to hire the company mentioned. The fact that the video was just a short clip has no bearing on the emotions that it instills in the viewer. You can drone on and on about your products or services, or you can create a video that will stand out and make potential customers take interest in what you have to say.


YouTube is an excellent medium for today’s businesses. Not only can you post the video on YouTube, but you can also embed it into your site and include links around the video related to your content. Don’t worry, the number of views you get on both your site and YouTube will be counted by Google giving you more internet presence and making your site grow in popularity in the search rankings.


As the video above shows us, video marketing can be an effective tool for your business. Remember these key points and your video will stand out among your customers and in the search rankings.



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