
What Entrepreneurs Shouldn’t Do on Social Media

Like many business owners, you’ve probably read several articles that discuss about what you should do to successfully use social media in promoting your business. But do you know what you shouldn’t do when utilizing social networking sites? If you don’t, here’s a list of some of the things that you must avoid doing if you want to conquer the world of social media:


Wasting time

You’ve been there: you log on to your Facebook or Twitter account, promising yourself that you’ll only spend a few minutes checking important updates from the people you follow or replying to messages. But, when you look at your watch, you realize that you’ve been mindlessly scrolling down for a couple of hours and haven’t yet started on your other tasks! Social media can be a useful tool but, if you’re not careful, it can easily eat up a lot of your time. To avoid this, you can set an alarm in your phone that will jolt you back to reality after a certain number of minutes.


Expressing your personal opinion

Leave your personal thoughts and jokes for your personal Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. You can add a touch of wit and humor to your business’s social media posts, but they should still be professional to show people that you’re a mature and dependable business.


Posting too much branded content

It’s important to promote your business on social media — in fact, it’s probably one of the main reasons why you opened your social networking accounts — but keep in mind that self-promoting posts can easily irritate your followers. So, keep the advertising at a minimum and instead opt for posts that give value to the readers. If you own a gym, for example, you can share recipes for delicious and healthy meals or post videos about muscle-building exercises, instead of just telling people to visit your gym or posting your price list.


Ignoring your followers

Many entrepreneurs look at social networking sites as their own advertising space. Don’t make the same mistake; remember that it’s not a huge digital wall where you can just pin up your virtual fliers and billboards but rather a place where you can connect with both existing customers and potential clients. So, as early as possible, start engaging with your followers. Reply to their tweets or comments, thank them for retweeting you or liking your posts, and answer any questions or concerns that they air out. Doing these is a great way to engage people in conversations and show them that your business has a human side which, in turn, will make them want to learn more about your products or services.


Assigning your social media tasks to just anybody

Once your business grows, you might no longer have the time and energy to oversee your social media accounts. But don’t pass them on to just anybody; instead, look for an employee who has a deep understanding of what your brand is all about and shares your business’s values and principles. This way, you know your posts and tweets will retain your brand voice and continue to represent what your company stands for.


Avoid these mistakes now to make the most of your business’s social media accounts.

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