
What’s Stopping You From Making a YouTube Video?

A lot of today’s business owners are intimidated by YouTube and here at Social Buzzing we think that’s a bad thing. Video marketing is one of the biggest tools that can help elevate your business to new heights. Yes, YouTube can be overwhelming to even think about; maybe you are camera shy or maybe you just don’t know what to say.


Whichever your reason, it is something that you have to get over because there is no denying that millions of people watch videos on YouTube each and every day. These videos are a great way to market your business and showcase your products or services so potential customers can see what you have to offer first hand. YouTube videos are an excellent way to engage your audience and give your business that personal touch that only this kind of platform can.


There are many reasons YouTube is good for your business and it all comes down to numbers.


  • YouTube has over 800 million unique users who visit the site each month and watch over 3 billion hours of video
  • Last year, YouTube had more than 1 trillion views, or around 140 views for every person on Earth
  • 500 years of YouTube video are watched every day on Facebook, and over 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter each minute
  • 100 million people take a social action on YouTube


Some of those numbers are staggering which is why we tout video marketing every chance we get. YouTube videos help with search engine optimization (SEO), establish credibility and enable people to see your business in action and they allow people to get to know you before they’ve even met you.


YouTube videos don’t have to be expensive, they can be done on a budget and require very little of your time to make one. For something this easy that can help your business brand itself and stand out from your competitors, it would be senseless not to try it.


Getting started making your company’s videos takes a video camera, a YouTube channel and a plan, or script, of what you want to say. You could even read from one of your blog posts after making some slight changes to the content to make it viewer ready.


That part is easy; the hard part is getting over your fear of the camera and posting on a regular basis. The more relevant and current your videos are, the better response they will receive. Just get started making a video and see what you think. It’s not as difficult as it seems when you get a couple of videos under your belt. You might even start to find that you like it and want to increase your video posts and maybe even buy more quality equipment and software to really add that professional touch.


Remember, your videos don’t have to be perfect, they just have to give some value to your customers and keep them engaged. Now go on out there and make a video today; it will help boost your marketing campaigns and maybe even make your job a little easier.

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