Where Do You Get Your Social Media Content?
If not given enough to go on, a writer can be stumped for days on what content to create for an article or blog post. Many of us have a plethora of ideas bouncing around in our heads, some good and some bad and, still many more of us, write hundreds if articles per year that never get read as we don’t like the way they read, look or sound. When a writer is hopelessly stuck trying to think of new content for social media sites, blog posts or anything else that posts online, they have a select few websites that they turn to for inspiration. A good writer will spend hours reading the articles on these sites until a spark of creation ignites and they decide on a topic for their own story.
If you ever get stuck trying to find something new to write about, take a look at these websites and see what comes to mind. I am sure that you will find the inspiration you need to create an interesting and informational post that your readers will appreciate.
The first site that I want to talk about is called On-This-Day. It is a historical reference site that offers a wide array of obscure facts, figures and information that you can use to create a new story or just to use as a conversation starter on your social channel.
Another favorite of online authors everywhere is called Seriously Amazing and it is powered by the world renowned Smithsonian Museum. On this site, you will find information relating to art, culture, science and, of course, history. You will find that, just like the museum itself, you can spend hours on their website reading, researching and passing the day away.
Twitter and Pinterest are two more social media platforms where today’s writers draw their inspiration from. Just by doing a quick search, you can find thousands of articles, tips and news stories designed to not only inform, but to enlighten you as well. You might even find some new contacts to add to your social media campaign that will benefit your site and your business. A keyword search is all it takes to open up a whole new world of inspiration for creative minds.
If you are trying hard to find new content for your social media campaign and can’t think of anything to write about, try out the above sites. You will find that a little time spent on those sites “relaxing” can do wonders for your writer’s block.
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