
Why Growing Your Twitter Followers is So Important

No matter how many Twitter followers you have, more is always better right? But why do we constantly strive for more followers on Twitter and the rest of our social media accounts? Is it because we are told to and, if so, why? Why are we so focused on that magic number whenever we open up our Twitter page? Is it just for the bragging rights or is there something else?


Growing an impressive Twitter account isn’t an end goal in itself, but it is a starting point for all of you marketers out there. It isn’t about the high number of followers that you could get, it’s about making the best of the followers you have and turning new followers into quality followers.


Let’s take a look at a few ways your current Twitter followers can provide you with value right now:


1. They help you target cross-channel efforts

You have to remember that your Twitter audience does not tweet in one place alone. They will tweet while watching a variety of topics both online and on television throughout the day. This is important and useful as it will help you plan a media buy across these varying channels and give you much more exposure across the board rather than in just one place.


2. They improve your content

Even if you make some mistakes, have tweets not do as well as other tweets or just can’t get the hang of timing your tweets, you can still learn from all of this. If your content falls flat, you can check out what your followers are tweeting and retweeting about and follow suit. Chances are, some of your followers are more experienced than you and they will make your content better for it.


Once you have this figured out, you can cross-promoting your brand with compatible brands your audience likes adding value to your content quickly and easily.


3. They provide competitor intelligence

By tuning in to Twitter and seeing what your competitors are up to, you can gain some valuable marketing intelligence. How do you do this without actually following your competition or their brand? Easy, watch what your followers are watching. Most people that follow one business, typically follow many other businesses within the same niche. Consumers like to have options and Twitter makes it easy for them. Here is where you look at what your followers are saying about your competition and turn to your competition’s followers to see what they are saying as well. You will learn valuable information about what brands they like or dislike, their customer service experiences and some interesting product reviews.


As you can see, there is value to growing your Twitter followers and it is much more than just that magic number showing you how many you have. Dig deeper and see what your followers have to offer; you may learn a lot more than you think.



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