Your Social Media Cheat Sheet
Trying to make sense of some of the latest social media offerings can often be difficult for the business owner looking to capitalize on social media for brand awareness, customer retention and new customer sales. With the variety of social media networks coming and going, business owners can end up spinning their wheels and wasting valuable marketing dollars. The best course of action, is to learn as much about the available social media networks so we can create an effective strategy to utilize them as best we can. Remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question; if you don’t know something, what better way to find out than to ask?
The staff here at Social Buzzing has put together a cheat sheet of sorts that will explain to those new to social networking, just exactly what they are and how they are to be used. We’ll start with the big name social media networks that everyone knows about, but some might not understand.
First off is Twitter. Twitter is a micro blogging platform that lets its users send text-based posts up to 140 characters. The pros of Twitter is how easy it is to use and its ability to let business owners quickly respond to the needs of their customers and clients. One of the main drawbacks of Twitter is that the user must find a delicate balance between providing useful information and seeming too “spammy”. Twitter also has a very high rate of follower drop off making it more time consuming than other platforms to attract and keep followers.
Next up we have Facebook, the world’s largest social network with more users than many of its competitors combined. With Facebook, users can create profiles, exchange messages and post content for their fans to read. Facebook is great for brand exposure and customer relations, but not so much for SEO purposes. That isn’t to say that you can’t use some of your SEO tactics on your business Facebook page, it just means that they aren’t as effective as they are in the non-Facebook world.
In our next installment of Your Social Media Cheat Sheet, we will take a look at YouTube and Google+, both Google-owned social media powerhouses in their own right and both with their own inherent plusses and minuses.
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