
Christmas Time Social Media Marketing Tips

As we all know too well, every year, Christmas and the new year comes around so quickly! All of a sudden, you’re met with hundreds of amazing deals and Christmas advertisements left and right.


Christmas is not only considered to be a time of happiness and togetherness, but also one of the biggest periods for online sales, and this market grows every year. Everyone, from big brands to small, is competing for the same advertisement space on social media and are trying to reach out to their target audiences and prompt them to buy buy buy!


Read on to find out how to make your social media stand out in the crowd.


Run A Poll On Facebook Or Twitter


Both Facebook and Twitter have introduced the amazing feature that allows you to run polls on your social media. Want to find out which one of two products people are more likely to buy? Want some free market research? Or simply want to encourage some engagement? Then a poll may be a fun and useful thing for you do too.


Use Visuals To Your Advantage


Christmas and New Year advertisement is all about the visuals. Why not use some cool gifs to make your social media either a lot funnier than previously or visually pleasing overall! You could change your cover and profile photos to a festive theme, with a green or red theme. This way you are making it clear to your audience that you really are in the festive spirit.


Share A Festive Story


Everyone loves stories, but especially around the festive season! Has your business helped those in need around Christmas? Has a child been asking Father Christmas for one of your products all year round and their parent is finally getting it for them? Create a strong rapport with your audience by sharing a down to earth story everyone will like and relate to.


Create A Unique Hashtag


Hashtags have had a massive impact on our daily lives. Even within the lexis and discourse in which we speak, we are likely to say “hash tag (insert how you are feeling)”. Therefore, there is a need for you to create your businesses own, unique hash tag that could even go viral. This, in turn, would create an incredible place for you to market your products online.


Get in touch with Social Buzzing for even more amazing ideas for your social media around Christmas time.



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