
What Entrepreneurs Have Learned In 2020 And How They Are Using It In 2021

Now that 2020 behind us and we are well into 2021, it’s a good time to look back and reflect on the previous year, see what we learned, and take that knowledge into the new year. Today’s entrepreneurs should focus on the teams, talent, and tools in 2021 and beyond.


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With that being said, we are going to take a look at some of the lessons today’s entrepreneurs have learned in 2020 and how to use them to become more successful in 2021. Let’s get started:


Accept That Nothing Is Constant- we live in a world that is constantly changing. Unfortunately, we forget that sometimes and it can affect us both personally and professionally. 2020 taught us that complacency is our enemy and to overcome it, we need to continue to challenge ourselves and our abilities so that we can grow our business.


Prepare For The Unexpected- most of what occurred in 2020 was unexpected to say the least. Still, if we are prepared for anything, when that unexpected anything happens, we can overcome it and still remained focused on growth. We need to change our mindset to anticipate new challenges if we are going to be better prepared to tackle them.


Be Agile- in business, we need to be agile. For many of today’s entrepreneurs, this means accepting and adapting to new technology and letting it automate our lives. Just as we might use an outsourcing service to streamline our workload, we can use technology to do the same for us in many areas of our businesses.


Recognise The Importance Of Your Team- recognising the importance of your team and how much they affect your business is one of the best things that you can do. An important piece of business advice goes something like this, “To be successful, organisations should stop focusing on the ages or generations of their workers and start focusing on the people who drive our business success.” We feel that this adapts well to the new year and our goal to become successful and grow our businesses.


Experiment- 2020 was an experimental year on many fronts. From the pandemic to Brexit, we were in uncharted territory for much of the year. We worked remotely, we closed our businesses for weeks at a time, and we moved much of our marketing online. For many, this all proved successful and we can take what we have learned and build on that success in 2021.


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