How Small Businesses Could Dominate Social Media Marketing In 2020
Small business owners should look for ways to best leverage social media marketing opportunities in 2020. While they don’t need to be active on every social media platform, it is important to focus on attracting new customers and grow their audience using the social media platforms that suit your particular needs. Knowing how to do that is the key to your success.
Here are some ways that your small business could dominate social media marketing in 2020:
Focus On Traffic- social media marketers often worry too much about likes and shares. In fact, Instagram has been experimenting on removing likes to eliminate fake followers and potential frauds. More than half of the influencers on Instagram admitted that they bought likes and this creates an unhealthy environment. To attract real traffic, you need to create attention-grabbing content that drives engagement and action. Content is still important and it’s here to stay. Marketers need to stop worrying about the less relevant vanity metrics that can be potentially manipulated. Instead, focus more on action-oriented results like shares, clicks and eventually, purchases.
Work With Content-Oriented Influencers- from Facebook to LinkedIn to YouTube, influencers are everywhere. Small businesses should start considering working with influencers in their niche. In reality, the audience doesn’t really care about the amount of likes that influencers have. They simply want to get interesting and useful content. This is a good thing for small businesses with limited marketing budget, because they don’t need to hire well-known, expensive influencers.
Start Using Paid Ads- due to restrictive budgets, small businesses owners are often reluctant to use paid ads in social media. However, a consistent ad campaign can help to achieve greater reach. Advertising is still an important part of a winning marketing strategy, regardless of the platform. Artificial intelligence technology is being integrated by numerous social media providers and paid ads will become more effective in appealing to the potential audience.
Hire A Professional Digital Marketing Team- when deciding which industry trends to follow and which ones to ignore, it’s best to follow the advice of a digital marketing expert. If you want to learn how to dominate social media marketing in 2020, let the experts at Social Buzzing help. With many positive Social Buzzing reviews on a wide range of platforms, Social Buzzing knows a thing or two about increasing the amount of seasonal customers a business receives.
Contact Social Buzzing
To learn more about social media marketing trends for 2020, check the Social Buzzing reviews and decide if our team is right for your business, then contact Social Buzzing today!
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