
Social Media by the Numbers

Being one of today’s most talked about business concepts, there are a lot of facts and figures surrounding social media. Knowing how well it helps your business grow is one of the more obvious facts, but there are a lot of things that people just don’t know about social media that might be eye opening the first time you read it.


Social Buzzing has compiled a list of numerical data that goes inside social media and shows off some of the staggering, and surprising, figures that make up the social media universe as we know it.


We’ll start with Facebook since it is the leader in both business and personal social media numbers. Here are the latest facts and figures from this social media giant:


  • Daily active users are over 665 million.
  • Monthly active users have passed 1.1 billion and are still growing.
  • Almost 800 million mobile users access Facebook every month.
  • Mobile only active users are over the 200 million mark.
  • The mobile Facebook platform generates over 30% of its total ad revenue.


With Twitter growing stronger every year, let’s see how they stack up:


  • Twitter has had a 44% growth in the past year.
  • Twitter has over 300 million monthly active users.
  • Over 20% of the world’s internet population are using Twitter every month
  • There are over 500 million registered Twitter accounts.
  • Twitter’s fastest growing age demographic is 55 to 64 year olds, registering an increase in active users of 79%.


We cultivated the following numbers from YouTube’s own blog and they are nothing short of impressive. Are you using YouTube for your business yet?


  • Over 1 billion unique monthly visitors.
  • Over 6 billion hours of videos are watched every month.
  • The above numbers just keep growing; even doubling in years past.
  • YouTube reaches more UK adults ages 18-34 than any television network.


Google+ has grown to be the second largest social network in the world; let’s see how they remain strong against Facebook:


  • Google’s uses its reach and social layer to enhance every one of its other online assets.
  • Over 400 million monthly active users have been reported.
  • Its active user’s base grew by an astounding 33% from June of 2012 through March of 2013 and this past year has seen similar, if not greater growth.


Definitely not growing at the pace of Twitter and Google+, LinkedIn is still the largest professional business network on the planet. We will talk more about using LinkedIn more effectively in an upcoming post but for now, here are the latest numbers:


  • LinkedIn currently has over 250 million users worldwide.
  • Every second of every hour, 2 new users join LinkedIn and begin to get noticed by the business community online.
  • 64% of LinkedIn’s users are from outside the USA making it very effective for users in the UK and Europe.


Although many of these numbers may not have surprised you, they are still an astounding compilation of the takeover effect social media has on the world. Not using social media for your business could be a costly error in today’s business world; talk to a professional at Social Buzzing today to see what we can do for your social media accounts.



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