
5 Ways To Respond To Negative User Reviews

In recent years, user reviews are becoming an essential digital marketing component. Potential customers want to know whether your business is dependable and if past customers are satisfied with your service. If you have an honest business, good products, and reliable services, it’s fairly easy to accumulate many positive user reviews. However, a few external things could be beyond your control, causing dissatisfaction among some customers. Their negative reviews could mar your online reputation for a long time and here are some ways to address them:


5 Ways To Respond To Negative User Reviews


Accept That Negative Reviews Are Inevitable- you can’t expect that everyone will love all aspects of your business and you can’t please all customers. If you get a couple of negative reviews, you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. However, you still need to take these negative reviews seriously.


Respond Quickly- when people are posting negative reviews, they expect to get quick responses. When other customers see that you are responding quickly, they know that you are being forthcoming when addressing these issues. If it’s purely your mistake, you need to apologise immediately and negotiate a resolution with the customer. Consider offering discounts on future purchases or offer other special deals. You should be notable for your timeliness when addressing grievances and inquiries. Always go beyond answering questions and provide real solutions.


Be Polite- disappointed customers can be harsh and condescending. In this situation, you need to take time and collect your thoughts before making any response. You should remember that your replies will be seen by others. It is a favourable thing if you act politely and sensibly.


Take Issues Offline- if it is likely that your responses will lead to arguments, you should contact the customer through phone or email. This allows you to resolve the situation quickly. Address any issues and explain your situation. In return, you could ask for defamatory reviews be deleted. If review sites don’t allow users to remove reviews, you could write a reply that the problem has been resolved.


Encourage Satisfied Customers To Write Reviews- in reality, only a small fraction of satisfied customers write reviews.  Put windows stickers, table toppers and signs to ask customers to write reviews. In your website, add links to review pages of your business. These subtle ways could spur customers to write favourable reviews. Your goal is to significantly offset negative reviews. However, you shouldn’t encourage them to leave only favourable reviews. Review sites like Yelp discourage this practice and you could be banned.


If you are a business owner and you are struggling with negative reviews, contact the social media company London small business owners trust most and speak with a digital marketing expert today.


Contact Social Buzzing


If you want to learn how to attract investors with social media, let the experts at Social Buzzing help. With many positive Social Buzzing reviews on a wide range of platforms, Social Buzzing knows a thing or two about increasing the amount of customers a business receives. Contact Social Buzzing today to speak with a social media marketing expert who can answer any questions you might have.


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