
Some Surprising Social Media Facts

It should come as no surprise to us that social media has grown exponentially since it all first began. While you read this, there are literally millions of people logging into their social media accounts and many more already liking, tweeting, sharing and following. The exact numbers are staggering so we’ll just round off and give you some surprising facts that you might not know about social media.


If you are using social media for your business (and why wouldn’t you?), you will do yourself and your business a favour by keeping up with the latest social media trends and knowing a little more about the platforms that you rely on so heavily for customer engagement and increased online visibility.


Here are some facts you should know:

Almost 200 million Facebook users are “mobile only”. That equates to 30% of Facebook’s ad revenue and is up almost 10% in the last 2 years! Focusing social media marketing campaigns on these “mobile only” users has proven very beneficial for many of today’s companies.


These are impressive numbers and they can mean only one thing; that social media has come of age. The time is now to increase your social media marketing campaigns and use a good social media management service that understands such trends. Social Buzzing can react with solutions that can keep pace and ensure continued success for you and your business.


93% of marketers are using social media for business purposes only. That leaves 7% of marketers not doing their job properly. Social media marketing is the biggest, most effective way to garner more sales and showcase your business to more people in a small amount of time. Many business owners are actually including social media management in their marketing budgets and strategies.


The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is in the 55-64 year old age bracket. This number has only gone up over the past couple of years and there is no sign of it stopping. In contrast, the fastest growing demographic on Facebook and Google+ is the 45-54 year old range. These are impressive numbers and they can mean only one thing; that social media has come of age and it’s time to increase our social media marketing campaigns and use a good social media management service that understands these trends and that can react to them with solutions that can keep pace and ensure continued success for the business owner.


Over 25% of smartphone users can’t recall a time when they didn’t have their smartphone next to them. This is another fact that points at the mobile web users as being an important sector to watch. This is a large percentage of the population that is staying connected to the internet and their favorite social media channels. Effectively marketing to these users is what social media management firms do; trust them to handle this for your business.


Your personal social media strategy comes down to what your own unique goals are for your business. Having a strong social media management firm behind you can ensure that your social media marketing campaigns are effective in bringing the results you are looking for.

  • vanessa

    Love this!

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